Friday, August 3, 2012

SA Tattoo, military precision and dance spectacular | Looking at arts ...

The South African Tattoo at Montecasino Outdoor Area now in its fourth year looks set to become an annual Spring event. It is certainly a grand spectacle of talent and timing and it appeals to a very broad cross section of South African society. Lots of people enjoy a vibrant display of combined physical dance and march drills.

SA Tattoo 2011, photo credit John Hogg

One of the legends of the origins of the ?tattoo? is that when the Low countries (Belgium and the Netherlands) were at war with Spain in the 17th century, drummers from the local garrison were sent out into the town at 21:30 each evening to summon the soldiers to their barracks. The locals called this ?doe den tap toe? (Dutch for ?turn off the tap?) so ?tap toe? became ?tattoo? indicating a military drum band display.

Benoni Mactalla Pipe Band. Photo credit SA Tattoo

2011 SA Tattoo. Photo credit SA Tattoo

Tattoos became commonplace in the late 19th century as military mania overtook the world, including the British Empire, the USA and most of Europe. Between the two world wars these tattoos became increasingly elaborate. The most famous of all the military tattoos is the Edinburgh Military Tattoo which forms the centrepiece of the annual Edinburgh Festival. It has been going since 1950. While the tattoo concept started out as a purely military affair, they now encompass a much broader range of family entertainment and Johannesburg audiences can look forward to seeing almost 800 performers in a ninety minute grand show.

Anavarata Dance Institute. Photo credit ADI

There will be the traditional massed pipes and drums, a contingent of Highland and Irish dancers. Haggis & Bong will again play. The South African military brass bands will feature the South African Air Force and the South African Military Health Service ensembles. There will be traditional Indian dancers (Anavarata Dance Institute). The Afrikaanse Ho?r Meisies en Seunsskool Choir (Affies Choir) and Vaughan Gardiner will sing, the HOGS (Harley Owners Group) will present a display of bike riding. I am not sure what a Pace-Stick team does, but I am looking forward to seeing the SA Army demonstrating this with military precision.

SA Tattoo finale 2009. Photo credit Warren Haltman

Tickets to the Tattoo on 6, 7, 8 and 9 September 2012 are available from Computicket at between R218 and R398 each. More information at The SA Tattoo is at Montecasino Outdoor Area.

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Multi-skilled, trained theologian (Christian), administrator and journalist, I conduct weddings, funerals and facilitate spiritual growth workshops. Theatre, music, dance and visual arts are my passions. I have been making my musical musings, theatre talks and dance dialogues public since February 1999 when I acquired access to the internet. Books are another passion, and I have a particular interest in South African ecology and history.


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