Business Insider
Really? I'm supposed to hold this thing in one hand?
Before Apple announced the iPad Mini, analysts speculated that a smaller iPad would appeal to women. The thinking was that it could be tossed into a handbag and carried around easily.Now its out. So, will women like it more than a regular sized iPad?
Maybe, but now that I've tried it, I still have one teeny complaint. The iPad Mini should have been even smaller.
The iPad Mini has a 7.9 inch screen, almost an inch larger than all of its competitors. The Kindle Fire, Nook, Google Nexus 7 and Galaxy Tablet 2 are all 7 inches.
I'm nearly 5'4 and my hands are small ? not abnormally small, but small. They're so small that I could never palm a women's basketball, and my fingers barely stretch a full octave when I play piano.
I can palm the iPad Mini with one hand, but it's a strain. I could grip just the side of it, but even at 10.88 ounces my hand would grow tired without some other support. But it's too small to grip with both hands, unlike my iPad 2.
And like my iPhone 4S, it's slippery. I don't think it'd be long before the strain of palming the device combined with the slick material would result in me clumsily dropping, then cracking it.
I'm not the first woman to say this. SAI editor Jay Yarow says his wife agrees it's too big.
Putting that issue aside, I don't know what I'd use an iPad this size for. If I want to surf the web, write an article, or watch something, I'd still rather have a bigger screen. If I want something slightly smaller than the iPad 2, I'll either use my iPhone or get a cheaper device that wouldn't make my heart skip a beat if I dropped it.
Am I'm nitpicking here? Sure. If someone handed me a free iPad Mini and told me to keep it, I'd happily oblige. Overall, it's gorgeous. It's sleek, relatively light, and fairly thin.
But if women were the users Apple had in mind for the Mini, I think they could have taken it in half an inch more.
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