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For most people, researching cheap travel insurance is a chore compared to listing out the places they will visit when they travel. However, finding the right travel insurance with all of the necessary coverage is a very rewarding challenge. ?Cheap? might not always be the cheapest, but you can still find something that?s not too costly that should offer everything you need.
Here are a few things to consider when looking for good, yet inexpensive travel insurance:
Annual multi-trip and single trip travel insurance
For those who are traveling once every three years, they can benefit from single trip travel insurance. For those who travel at least three times a year can potentially save money when availing of annual multi-trip travel insurance. Choosing a policy for frequent flyers can save you time from purchasing travel insurance each time you travel.
Cancellation coverage
It?s not uncommon for a trip or vacation to be cancelled due to medical or unforeseen emergencies. Travelers usually plan for a certain trip and pay for their hotel tickets in advance. If they cannot make the trip their deposit will be lost or the hotel will charge them a cancellation fee. Cancellation cover is included in most travel insurance policies where any lost deposit or cancellation charges will be taken care of by the insurance itself.
Having the option of removing this option to make your travel insurance cheaper is not a good practice unless you are certain you can afford it. Being able to recover the money from cancelling the trip is worth more than not having the cancellation cover added to your travel insurance.
Trip delay coverage
This coverage reimburses you for any pre-paid expenses you aren?t able to use due to flight delays such as your hotel accommodations, restaurant reservation and local transportation. Most travel insurance policies provide this coverage in case of carrier issues, bad weather, sickness or injury.
Not including this option can be a gamble since flight delays can happen at any moment. Here are a few things to consider if you should take the trip delay option and make a calculated risk:
1. Are the local and foreign (the country or place you will be traveling to) weather forecasters predicting any future bad weather?
2. Are there local and foreign news reporting any tension with the government or with the airport where you flight is located?
3. Are there any reports of a disease or flu spreading locally or within the country you are visiting?
Accidental death and permanent disability coverage
Accidents can happen at any time during anyone?s vacation or trip. Accidental death covers any accidental injury which results in your death while permanent disability covers any accidental injury which results in total loss of function in any part of your body. Most travel insurance companies offer both these coverage within the same option.
Taking this option will depend on where you will be traveling to. Going to a safe environment or a frequently visited tourist attraction where there is almost no risk of an accident is when you can consider not taking this option.
When considering the options to take on your travel insurance, always research on the possible outcome of your trip. You will be able to determine the right option to take to make your travel insurance cheap without compromising any necessary coverage.
Hannah Gregorio is working as a freelance writer for a travel insurance company.
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Associated Press Sports
updated 8:41 a.m. ET Nov. 29, 2012
NEW YORK (AP) - San Jose Earthquakes striker Chris Wondolowski has won the MVP award in Major League Soccer.
The league's leading scorer with 27 goals tied the single-season record. He won 91 percent of MLS club management votes, 97 percent of media votes and 71 percent of player votes.
Thierry Henry of New York Red Bulls was runner-up and Graham Zusi of Sporting Kansas City was third.
? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
More newsSergei Supinsky / AFP - Getty ImagesSource:
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My greatest passion in both my work and personal life is helping people who are open and ready to see themselves in a new, multi-dimensional light. This is certainly not "new" work as thousands upon thousands of teachers have offered the same message for millennia, and yet, for the first time in human history, it feels totally available to all from everyday sources, such as myself, in a language that can be easily shared, and most importantly, heard.
Like bees to honey, individuals from all over the planet are shifting from a primarily left-brain, rational, analytical focus to a greater life balance that includes an intuitive, whole, soul-centered (right-brain) approach to life, death and everything in between. Once life has been glimpsed from this expanded vantage point, there's no going back to a more linear, limited view of reality.
Perhaps one of the fastest growing areas to exhibit this shift is in our view of health, illness and healing. While the left brain desires to perceive illness and healing as merely a physical, chemical and scientific issue, we are being urged by the feminine (right brain) energy, just beginning to re-surge on our planet after centuries underground, to take a closer, and I mean CLOSER, look at what ails us.
As we come to see our body as a magnificent, intelligent, whole system, and by intelligent I mean KNOWING, then we see the vast importance of becoming much more attuned to what our physical home is telling us about our inner world?consciousness?via tugs, nudges, and well, symptoms. Instead of fighting against our symptoms as is the understandable, natural tendency from a purely human perspective, the larger perspective of who we really are?spiritual beings?invites us to see symptoms in a totally new way, as signals to a possibility for expansion, growth and healing.
Now, I am fully aware that if ensconced in a purely rational, scientific mindset, this is where one stops reading, as it is often uncomfortable to hear, if one's reality is mostly left-brain thinking. I also totally understand if an individual and/or a loved one has been through difficult and even fatal illnesses who feel most comfortable staying in the physical realm of it all rather than delving into the soul realm. I accept that and truly wish those individuals peace and joy in their perspective. But what I am seeing in my work, is that many, many individuals are longing to address the root layer of illness rather than simply stay atop the physical layer that is dealt with and possibly "treated" by modern medicine. And because often traditional medicine is not onboard, this can seem a difficult task without encouragement from those who are fully open to a right-brain approach that complements the left. This is where I (and many others) come in!
While there is much help available in today's world to assist us in uncovering the larger perspective of our symptoms, one thing that each of us can do beginning TODAY is to create a much closer relationship?a deep camaraderie and friendship?with our very own body. By this I mean, spend time each day acknowledging the truly astounding vehicle that is OUR beautiful body. Dialogue with her regularly. Yes, talk to our cells and recognize all that they so easily, knowingly and lovingly do for us. Spend time in quiet relationship with each specific part of our body, validating its presence as an essential aspect of the glorious whole. Thank the intelligent cells in our body that KNOW when a symptom is necessary, and in what particular part of the body, to create the perfect clue to a deeper understanding of something that needs a closer look in our consciousness. Let our body know that WE, not a doctor or a healer, are ready, willing and able to listen to what it is telling us. We can create a friendship with our body NOW inviting it to be more consciously included in our life.
The fact that I am not a doctor or a scientist may turn some people away from my message, and that's more than okay. But that's actually really the whole point of my message. In many ways while science and traditional medicine continue to be highly beneficial in too many ways to mention here, the time has also come to expand the way we view healing and illness, and as I share here today, it is an intimate, personal relationship with our own body that comes from a knowing deep within that leads to ultimate healing. No one can offer us that but through our own willingness.
As I know examples are important, I'll give you a few from my own life. Yes, I am now an open book. That's what blogging tends to do to people, and becoming more vulnerable in this world has benefitted me tremendously!
1) Horrific eczema on my lower legs (yes, the itchy as hell, I won't scratch-but I HAVE to, bloody welts-kind) for over a year and a half left me cranky, embarrassed and exhausted. After numerous dermatologists and several tubes of steroid creams that offered only temporary relief, I took matters into my own hands. I felt a strong desire to see a hypnotherapist. After a three hour appointment and a huge epiphany that night upon my return home, I wept as I understood the hidden emotional root of the affliction. The eczema disappeared within three days, completely, and never to return.
2) During my nine month back trouble, my relationship and love for my body actually increased tenfold. Never before had I been forced to be so gentle with and seek out through my own body what the nerves and tissue in my leg and lower back were trying to tell me. That time period of intense uncomfortability and pain, in a way that may seem difficult to understand, created within me a gratitude for my body and all that it offers me like I have never known. Those symptoms/signals led me to forge a deeper path through my own interior which I had never dared embark on before to a blessed meeting with my soul.
3) Several years ago I knew intuitively that something was amiss in my visceral section (liver/pancreas area). No traditional doctor could detect anything wrong with me. However, three different medical intuitives/channels saw the very same thing that I felt, an energy that was not right in my abdomen. One put me on a strict vegan diet for three months to create more alkalinity and less acidity in my body, along with other inner work suggestions. Several months later, again after much reflection, soul growth and a deepened relationship with my own body, one day I KNEW that I was healed. I went for confirmation, and indeed, the dark energy in that area had dissipated, an energy that in a dream I knew would have given me some big "trouble" a decade or so later.
I could right a whole book on this topic:) But as I know this is a blog, I will end here. If you got to the end and nothing resonated for you, then that's very understandable and totally cool with me. I LOVE you anyway! However, if this share of mine from just an everyday, soulful gal with no medical degree made you feel a spark of knowing deep in your interior, then I am here to offer insights and ideas, if desired.
Either way, I feel that our bodies deserve THREE BIG CHEERS!!!
Filed under: Friendships, inner work, Parenting, personal growth, Soul to Soul Parenting, Soul to Soul Perspective, spiritual development
Tags: @soulparent, Annie Burnside, human body, personal growth, Soul to Soul, Soul to Soul Perspective
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Nov 28 2012
The Australian, November 28, 2012
BARRING a last-minute change of heart, tomorrow the UN General Assembly will vote on upgrading Palestine's representation in the forum to the status of non-member "observer state".
On these pages, former foreign minister Gareth Evans (November 24) encouraged Washington, and by implication Australia, to support the measure.
Evans notes, correctly, that the resolution will certainly pass, given the automatic pro-Palestinian majority in the General Assembly, and that it contains little extreme language.
Yet no matter how you sugar-coat it, this resolution is a poison pill for the peace process. It should not be supported by any country that supports the creation of an independent Palestinian state living in peace alongside a secure Israel.
Upgrading the Palestinian delegation's status is not an innocuous technicality. As Evans himself admits, the true purpose of the move is to enable the Palestinians to launch a new campaign of diplomatic and legal attacks against Israel in various UN forums and elsewhere, particularly the International Criminal Court - and to do so as an alternative to direct negotiations with Israel.
To do this, the Palestinians need more than the simple UN majority they get routinely, but support from major Western players, so as to achieve their aims while preserving much-needed foreign aid.
Any fair-minded person would agree that the UN has a built-in bias against Israel, a country subject to more UN censure than every other country combined.
Evans reassures us that Israel would get a fair go in the ICC. Given that Israel clearly doesn't get a fair go from the UN, or from Evans himself for that matter, this hardly instils confidence.
In fact, Evans's entire essay is a construct of misrepresentations and distortions.
First, he quotes an Israeli resident near Gaza who calls upon Israel to negotiate with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Yet Evans never acknowledges that it is Abbas who has been steadfast in his refusal to negotiate with Israel - nor that Abbas holds little influence over Gaza's Hamas rulers.
In fact, Evans appears to deliberately obscure Abbas's rejection of talks, asking how can Palestinian leaders "be left with any credible capacity to negotiate if talks cannot begin until, as Israel insists, they retreat on their minimum condition of a settlement freeze in the Occupied Territories?"
Israel has of course not insisted on any thing of the sort, it has simply repeatedly requested immediate talks without pre-conditions.
Furthermore, Israel essentially met the Palestinian precondition of a settlement freeze for 10 months in 2009-10, yet the Palestinian Authority still refused to engage in substantive negotiations.
Evans goes on to claim bizarrely that "the lesson of the past two decades is that rockets stop, and intifadas don't start, when there is a prospect of peace".
Here's some basic history Evans should know. Prospects for peace were never closer than in late 2000 and early 2001 when, under prime minister Ehud Barak, Israel offered realistic two-state peace terms at Camp David, and accepted the Clinton parameters. Yet it was precisely at this time that Palestinian president Yasser Arafat launched the second intifada, a multi-year terror war which took more than 1000 Israeli lives.
And it was at the height of Oslo process in the mid-1990s that Hamas launched a massive campaign of suicide bombings on Israeli buses designed specifically to scuttle progress toward peace. And Hamas launched a major rocket escalation after Ehud Olmert made a comprehensive peace offer in 2008.
Evans warns of the demographic threat that awaits Israel should it abandon the two-state solution, but ignores the fact that all leading Israeli political parties have endorsed the two-state paradigm today.
And the polls show that a healthy majority of Israelis do so as well, providing the context is a lasting peace. - according to polls.
The voices calling for a one-state outcome - meaning Israel's demographic destruction - are still coming overwhelmingly from extremists on the Palestinian side. And it is the Palestinian side which is hopelessly divided, with the rejectionist terrorists of Hamas both controlling half the future Palestinian state and gaining new regional allies and legitimacy.
Evans would have us believe that a vote for the upgrade would simply represent another show of support for the two-state outcome that Australia supports.
But the UN can and does express such support all the time. There is no reason to do so by creating a new status - fraudulent under international law - for a Palestinian state which does not yet exist, especially when we know that the purpose of this status is to facilitate an unhelpful and distracting international campaign to delegitimise Israel and avoid genuine negotiations.
Washington recognises this, which is why it is opposed, along with Canada and much of the EU.
These stakeholders know that the only way forward is for the Palestinians to first negotiate peace with Israel and then get their state - and to do otherwise only guarantees a future of conflict in perpetuity.
Australia is right in refusing to support Palestinian "virtual statehood" (a principled "no" vote would have been even more appropriate than the abstention reportedly planned) - and not primarily because of our concern for Israel's security.
It is the Palestinian people who will ultimately pay for this diversionary ploy by their leadership with further delays to the realisation of their aspirations for actual statehood; aspirations that can only be achieved through direct negotiations with Israel.
Mark Leibler AC is national chairman of the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council.
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The Dimpleskins Sniffles Rub and Boo Boo Goo as well as the Natural Ouch Balm are all 100% natural products. The Boo Boo Goo and the Natural Ouch Balm are made to soothe and help scrapes, cuts, and bruises heal. The Sniffles Rub helps with congestion and can be applied to the chest, back, and under the nose. I like that all the products had a subtle scent. Since it is difficult for my daughter to give feedback on such products, I decided to test them myself. I was impressed by how all 3 products are quickly absorbed by the skin. The Boo Boo Goo and the Natural Ouch Balm were really helpful to soothe the burning of cuts and scrapes. The Sniffles Rub had a very pleasant Eucalyptus Lemon scent which I personally find relaxing. I also found it helpful to help me breathe better. It didn?t burn my skin, didn?t get too warm like some of the popular anti-congestion rubs do.
Organically Hatched is the perfect destination to find awesome and safe Christmas gifts for the little ones in your family.?I like that they offer such a great selection of safe and organic products!
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The Japanese government aims to secure a stable supply of resources such as natural gas and oil by entering negotiations Monday with Canada to conclude an economic partnership agreement (EPA).
Whether Japan can overcome differences of opinion with Canada over liberalisation of agricultural products will be a test for the government in promoting other trade negotiations, including those for the Trans-Pacific Partnership multilateral trade talks.
The talks with Canada are the first EPA negotiations for Japan with another member of the Group of Eight countries.
Canada is attractive to Japan as it is rich in natural resources.
The country is the world's sixth-largest oil producer, the second-largest uranium producer, and the third-largest producer of natural gas.
In addition to the rich natural gas resources, Canada has been proactively developing shale gas resources trapped in underground shale. In February, trading house Mitsubishi Corp. obtained a 40 per cent stake in a Canadian shale gas development project that is one of the world's largest. The conclusion of an EPA is expected to bring a more stable supply of natural resources to Japan.
Half of Japan's exports to Canada, which amounted to 709.3 billion yen (US$8.66 billion) last year, are accounted for by transportation equipment, including automobiles. As Canada imposes tariffs of up to 6.1 per cent on automobiles, lifting the tariffs would promote the export of automobiles from Japan.
Canada is a member country of the North American Free Trade Agreement, along with the United States and Mexico. Japan has already concluded an EPA with Mexico. If an EPA is concluded with Canada, Japan can make the country a distribution hub for the supply of Japanese products to the densely populated US East Coast, a situation that would boost Japanese businesses in their competition in the US market.
The most important focus in the Japan-Canada negotiations is the extent to which Japan can open up its market for agricultural products. Canadian agricultural products account for more than 30 per cent of the country's exports to Japan. Soy beans and rapeseed occupy 14 per cent and pork accounts for 9 per cent, while grains stand at 7 per cent.
The two countries previously tried to enter EPA negotiations in 2007, but gave up as they could not compromise in the agricultural field.
This time again, the Japanese government intends to carefully proceed with negotiations on agricultural products. However, if the government could come to terms with Canada on items to be exempted from the elimination of tariffs, the results could serve as the basis for the future TPP negotiations, which Canada would take part in.
Participatants at Monday's meeting included Jun Yokota, ambassador in charge of economic diplomacy, and Ian Burney, Canadian assistant deputy minister for trade policy and negotiations. Yokota said at the meeting he would like to make the talks "worthwhile for both countries." The launch of the talks was agreed upon during a meeting between Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in March.
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5 hrs.
Phuong Le , The Associated Press
SEATTLE --?Despite a predicted increase in the number of holiday travelers, Americans returning home after the long Thanksgiving weekend found generally good weather, few airport delays and at times manageable conditions on the nation's highways.
Travel appeared to run smoothly Sunday ? typically the busiest travel day of the year ? as millions journeyed home after feasting with family and friends, even though there was little elbow room on packed buses, trains and airplanes.
Many travelers strategically hit the road early in the day or waited until much later to avoid possible bumper-to-bumper traffic.
Craig Haft, 57, left Cincinnati with his wife and daughter around 6:15 a.m. to drive to their home in Fairfax, Va., after visiting family. At midday, he reported smooth driving.
"It went fine on Wednesday and has been good so far today," he said.
Some were upbeat despite long journeys ahead. Andy Harbison, 38, said he didn't mind the 8-hour drive back to Harrisburg, Pa. after visiting family in Michigan.
The roads were good, he said, and he simply enjoyed being with family after being away from them during previous deployments to Iraq and Kuwait while in the National Guard.
Experts had predicted a slight rise in the number of people traveling this Thanksgiving weekend compared to last year. Some 43.6 million Americans were expected to journey 50 miles or more between Wednesday and Sunday, and more of them were likely to be driving while fewer were flying, according to AAA's yearly analysis.
Mauro Scappa and his wife, Chris, and their two children were among those who chose not to take to the skies. They braced themselves for delays as they waited at New York's Penn Station for a train back to Washington, near their home in Falls Church, Va. But their train was expected on time Sunday morning.
"We definitely wanted to avoid the airport on Thanksgiving weekend, for sure," Scappa said.
Renee Kerns, her husband Mike and their two children left about 30 minutes earlier than usual to catch a flight to home to California. They anticipated longer lines at the Washington-area Dulles International Airport, but sailed through security in about 10 minutes and were at their gate for their 8:30 a.m. flight to Oakland, Calif., more than an hour before their flight.
"It was fine," Renee Kerns said of getting through security. Added her husband: "Easy, but we're early."
Helped by dry weather and mostly clear skies, both O'Hare and Midway international airports in Chicago reported normal operations Sunday with no delays.
Leonard Reddick, 29, waited near downtown Chicago for a bus back to Flint, Mich. He traveled on Thanksgiving day to see his sister in the Chicago area, explaining that it's his trick for avoiding the huge crowds on the day before the holiday. He also liked the $84 roundtrip fare.
Reddick, who works at General Motors, was rethinking one decision as he was gearing up for the five-hour trip back home to Michigan: He had declined the turkey and mac and cheese leftovers because he thought it might mess up his luggage.
The tens of millions of holiday travelers also included a few thousand users of Megabus, the ultra-cheap inter-city network popular among students and the creative class. Shane Dillon, 26, a librarian now living and seeking work in Chicago, joined the throng waiting to board at Detroit's Rosa Parks Transit Center for the return trip to the Windy City. He was in the area visiting relatives in Allen Park, Mich.
"It was great to see family and friends. The food was good," Dillon said. A few days, though, was enough. "I'm glad to be going home."
Dense fog greeted travelers at Union Station in Los Angeles early Sunday, but it didn't appear to cause problems.
Mike Lansing, 63, and his wife Kay, 60, opted to take Amtrak for the first time to their home in the San Francisco Bay area after weighing high gas prices. They spent a week in LA with their daughter, son-in-law and new grandson.
He said he's relieved not to have to get behind the wheel. "I don't know if we're really saving any money, but it's an adventure!" said Kay Lansing.
At the Boise Airport, Charles Beyer, 59, waited for luggage after having just arrived from Portland, Ore., where he visited his son and daughter. He said he found most of his fellow passengers complacent about the challenges of traveling during the holiday weekend through packed airports.
"The good old days of pulling up to the curb and getting onto the airplane in five minutes are long gone," he said.
AP reporters David N. Goodman in Detroit, Keith Ridler in Boise, Idaho; Pam Ramsey in Charleston, W.Va.; Sophia Tareen in Chicago; Jennifer Peltz in New York; Chris Weber in Los Angeles; Jessica Gresko in Sterling, Va.; Kristi Eaton in Sioux Falls, S.D; and Bob Christie in Phoenix contributed to this report.?
Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Installing customized car audio and video systems is a great way to personalize your vehicle and to stay entertained while you?re on the move. With options available for practically every car or truck, taste, and even budget, you can get the customized entertainment system that?s perfect for your needs.
Your local car electronics expert will work with you through all of the different options at your disposal, taking your particular security concerns and entertainment preferences into account. Regardless of what kind of car, truck, or SUV you own, you?ll be able to find a set of mobile electronics that perfectly suits your vehicle. Plus, with a very flexible and accommodating price range, you?ll find a car DVD player or car stereo that is perfect for you. If you are eager to get started, contact your local shop today to find out what kind of setup is right for you.
Rebecca Paul is classic car enthusiast and an Internet marketer for Prospect Genius, a provider of affordable marketing solutions.
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Helen A.S. Popkin
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8 hrs.
Devin Coldewey , NBC News
Police in Helsinki?seized?the laptop of a young girl during a search of her family's home last week, according to her father.?The alleged?offense? Using the?popular BitTorrent website The Pirate Bay to download a single album.
Last year, 9-year-old Julietta?came across a torrent on The Pirate Bay after searching on Google?for Finnish pop star Chisu's latest album. The download failed to work, and she and her father went and bought the album together shortly afterwards.?Unbeknownst to them,?Finland's Copyright Information and?Anti-Piracy Centre (known as CIAPC, as well as its Finnish acronym, TTVK) had already?taken notice.
The events are related by the girl's father,?Aki Wequ Nylund,?in?a public?Facebook post. (Though Google Translate's Finnish is not very good, an account of the translated?story?was posted at copyright and BitTorrent news blog?TorrentFreak.)
That spring, a letter arrived from the TTVK?alleging that the Nylund's account had been linked to a copyright infringement. The letter gave the option to pay a settlement of ?600 and sign a non-disclosure agreement ? a common tactic used by copyright holders that removes the need for formal charges.
Nylund contacted the?TTVK?lawyer to contest the matter, but?the TTVK continued its pursuit of damages. Last Tuesday morning, he found a pair of Finnish police officers standing at his doorstep.
The police presented a search?warrant, entered, and identified the girl's Winnie?the?Pooh-decorated laptop as the object of their search, and confiscated it.
Unsurprisingly, the events have drawn criticism locally and abroad. Finnish Internet rights watchdog Electronic Frontier Finland denounced the actions of the TTVK in a statement and blog post, calling attention to the arbitrary nature of the settlements and their use?as a scare tactic. They also point out that?Nylund's acknowledgment?in this case notwithstanding, an IP address used to track an infringement cannot be linked to a person's identity.
The TTVK's executive director defended the actions in comments to Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, saying that TTVK and the police were only working to enforce the law.?
Chisu, the pop star whose album was at the center of the controversy, expressed in a Facebook post that she supported copyright law but apologized for the situation.
Niko?Nordstr?m, CEO of Warner Music Finland, acknowledged (also via Chisu's Facebook page)?the limits of IP-based enforcement, but said?"this procedure is currently the only way to tackle illegal downloading" (translation by Google).
Had the TTVK known that the infringing party in this situation was a young?girl, might they?have taken a softer approach? In past cases,?U.S. media associations have not?made accommodations for minors, either.
As for Julietta's lost laptop, an anonymous benefactor sent a brand-new MacBook Pro to replace it. Her father reports that she is already putting it to use, playing online with her friends. An administrator at The Pirate Bay promised VIP privileges to her as well if she wants them?? ?although after this experience, it would be understandable if she opted not to take advantage of the offer.
Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC?News Digital. His personal website is?
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Barnes & Noble's Nook app has reached version 3.3 on iOS and Android, bringing a handful of new features in tow. Headlining the iOS update are screen magnification and support for Apple's VoiceOver feature, which can assist the blind and visually impaired by reading content aloud. The app has also been gussied up for the iPhone 5's additional screen real estate. Both Android and iOS flavors of the application pack language support for French, Italian, German, Spanish and British English -- and indeed they've now cozied up to the Nook's UK storefront following the arrival of the hardware in that land a few days back. If you're fixing to download the spruced up app, Barnes & Noble recommends syncing your library before making the leap.
Continue reading Nook app packs new features on iOS and Android, makes UK debut
Filed under: Software
Via: Maccessibility, Daring Fireball
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LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) ? Sixteen people have died in Pakistan after drinking cough syrup suspected of being toxic, police said Monday after three additional victims expired in hospital.
All those affected by the syrup were drug addicts who apparently drank it to get high, said police officer Multan Khan.
Khan said they died at various hospitals in the eastern city of Lahore over the past three days. Two people are still being treated at the city's main hospital.
Police arrested the owners of three drug stores where the cough syrup was sold and sent a sample for analysis to determine whether it was toxic, Khan added.
Elsewhere in the country, a bomb hidden in a cement construction block exploded in the southern city of Karachi, killing one person, said senior police officer Farooq Awan. Four other people were wounded, he said.
The bomb contained about 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) of explosives and was detonated by a mobile phone, said Awan.
Pakistan suspended mobile phone service throughout most of the country on Saturday and Sunday to prevent attacks against Shiite Muslims during a major religious commemoration.
Despite the ban, a pair of bombings over the weekend killed at least 13 people.
Awan, the police officer, said he suspected the bomb in Karachi was meant to target Shiites over the weekend, but militants were not able to detonate it at the time because of the mobile phone ban.
Shiites are currently observing the holy month of Muharram. Pakistani Shiites on Sunday marked Ashoura, the most important day of the month.
Pakistan has a long history of Sunni Muslim extremists targeting Shiites, who they consider heretics.
Also Monday, police in Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, found and defused a bomb planted underneath the car of one of Pakistan's most prominent TV anchors, Hamid Mir of Geo Television.
The bomb was made up of half a kilogram (1 pound) of explosives stuffed in a tin can, said Islamabad police chief Bani Amin. It was placed in a bag and attached to the bottom of Mir's car, said Amin.
One of Mir's neighbors noticed the bomb underneath the car after the TV anchor returned from a local market, and the police were notified, said Rana Jawad, a senior official at Geo TV.
Associated Press writers Adil Jawad in Karachi, Pakistan, and Zarar Khan in Islamabad contributed to this report.
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In this April 26, 2012 photo, Maria Susana Flores Gamez poses for a photo for a story about upcoming representation of Mexico at a beauty pageant in China, in Culiacan, Mexico. Flores, who was voted the 2012 Woman of Sinaloa in a beauty pageant in February, was killed in northern Mexico on Nov. 24, 2012 during a running gun battle between soldiers and the gang of drug traffickers she was traveling with. (AP Photo/El Debate, Gladys Serrano)
In this April 26, 2012 photo, Maria Susana Flores Gamez poses for a photo for a story about upcoming representation of Mexico at a beauty pageant in China, in Culiacan, Mexico. Flores, who was voted the 2012 Woman of Sinaloa in a beauty pageant in February, was killed in northern Mexico on Nov. 24, 2012 during a running gun battle between soldiers and the gang of drug traffickers she was traveling with. (AP Photo/El Debate, Gladys Serrano)
In this April 26, 2012 photo, Maria Susana Flores Gamez poses for a photo for a story about her upcoming participation in a beauty pageant in China, in Culiacan, Mexico. Flores, who was voted the 2012 Woman of Sinaloa in a beauty pageant in February, was killed in northern Mexico on Nov. 24, 2012 during a running gun battle between soldiers and the gang of drug traffickers she was traveling with. (AP Photo/El Debate, Gladys Serrano)
CULIACAN, Mexico (AP) ? A 20-year-old state beauty queen was killed during a running gun battle between soldiers and the gang of drug traffickers she was traveling with in northern Mexico, the chief prosecutor of the state of Sinaloa said Monday.
In a scene reminiscent of the 2011 movie "Miss Bala" ? or "Miss Bullet" ? the body of Maria Susana Flores Gamez was found lying near an assault rifle on a rural road in a mountainous area of the drug-plagued state. It was unclear if she had used the weapon.
"She was with the gang of criminals, but we cannot say whether she participated in the shootout," state prosecutor Marco Antonio Higuera said. "That's what we're going to have to investigate."
The doe-eyed, slender brunette was voted the 2012 Woman of Sinaloa in a beauty pageant in February. She had earlier competed for the other, more prestigious state beauty contest, Our Beauty Sinaloa, but didn't win.
Higuera said Flores Gamez was traveling in one of the vehicles that engaged soldiers in an hours-long chase and running gun battle on Saturday. Higuera said two other members of the drug gang were killed and four were detained.
The shootout began when the gunmen opened fire on a Mexican army patrol. Soldiers gave chase and cornered the gang at a safe house near the town of Mocorito. They escaped, and the gunbattle continued along a nearby roadway, where the gang's vehicles were eventually stopped. Six vehicles, drugs and weapons were seized following the confrontation.
It was at least the third instance in which a beauty queen or pageant contestants have been linked to Mexico's violent drug gangs.
In 2008, former Miss Sinaloa Laura Zuniga was stripped of her crown in the Hispanoamerican Queen pageant, after she was detained on suspicion of drug and weapons violations. She was later released without charges.
Zuniga was detained in western Mexico in late 2010 along with seven men, some of them suspected drug traffickers. Authorities found a large stash of weapons, ammunition and $53,300 with them inside a vehicle.
In 2011, a Colombian former model and pageant contestant was detained along with Jose Jorge Balderas, an accused drug trafficker and suspect in the 2010 bar shooting of Salvador Cabanas, a former star for Paraguay's national football team and Mexico's Club America. She was also later released.
Higuera said Flores Gamez has been turned over to relatives for burial.
"This is a sad situation," Higuera told a local radio station. She had been enrolled in media courses at a local university, and had been modeling and pageants since at least 2009.
Javier Valdez, the author of a 2009 book about narco ties to beauty pageants entitled "Miss Narco," said "this is a recurrent story."
"There is a relationship, sometimes pleasant and sometimes tragic, between organized crime and the beauty queens, the pageants, the beauty industry itself," Valdez said.
"It is a question of privilege, power, money, but also a question of need," said Valdez. "For a lot of these young women, it is easy to get involved with organized crime, in a country that doesn't offer many opportunities for young people."
Sometimes drug traffickers seek out beauty queens, but sometimes the models themselves look for narco boyfriends, Valdez said.
"I once wrote about a girl I knew of who was desperate to get a narco boyfriend," he said. "She practically took out a classified ad saying 'Looking for a Narco'."
The stories seldom end well. In the best of cases, a beautiful woman with a tear-stained face is marched before the press in handcuffs. In the worst of cases, they simply disappear.
"They are disposable objects, the lowest link in the chain of criminal organizations, the young men recruited as gunmen and the pretty young women who are tossed away in two or three years, or are turned into police or killed."
Associated Press Writer E. Eduardo Castillo contributed to this report
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November, 2012
Tan explained that existing security threats and policies must be rationalised in order to prepare for significant changes to the airport security process in the future.
The security process has proved to be most difficult aspect of the airport experience to improve over the course of the last decade. With the restrictions on liquids, aerosols and gels (LAGs) still in place, privacy issues surrounding the use of full-body scanners, and the debate still ongoing concerning the proposed use of passenger profiling techniques, significantly changing the existing process has proved to be arduous.
?I think almost everybody these days agrees that the conventional ?one-size-fits-all? approach, which religiously applies the same security screening procedure to all passengers, is no longer suitable,? Bukallah said. ?Passenger traffic will double in 20 years but, for sure, terminal buildings and security teams will not double in size. ACI, together with other industry partners, has been lobbying for a more sensible approach based on the philosophy of risk management. I am pleased that risk-based security has become a commonly accepted concept.?
Rapiscan?s RTT baggage screening solution has become the first ultra-high speed system to pass the European Civil Aviation Conference?s (ECAC) Standard 3 threat detection test.
There have been a number of high profile cases involving acts of terrorism and serious threats to aviation security when banned substances and devices have been brought onto aircraft. In order to combat the increased danger of sophisticated emerging threats, the most innovative screening technologies must be developed and made available so that airport authorities can continue to ensure passenger safety.
Rapiscan Systems is a leading global supplier of security inspection systems. Its RTT (Real Time Tomography) baggage screening solution has become the first ultra-high speed system to pass the European Civil Aviation Conference?s (ECAC) Standard 3 threat detection test, the highest standard set by ECAC for the detection of baggage-borne explosive threats.
The RTT system is a revolutionary liquid explosive detection technology, with the detection capability of Computerised Tomography (CT) and is capable of screening baggage at speeds of up to 1,800 bags an hour. Furthermore the RTT system?s resolution and reconstruction process not only delivers optimal performance for the detection of prohibited materials, but it also generates fewer false alarms whilst simultaneously lowering the airport?s operational costs. RTT can also detect density levels in liquids, alerting the operator to potentially concealed explosives that will enable airports to keep ahead of the threat of terrorism.
This RTT system is the only baggage screening system in the market to combine this high throughput rate with meeting ECAC Standard 3 threat detection.
This risk-based approach is central to a number of different initiatives, including ACI EUROPE & AEA?s Better Security project, the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA)?s Pre-Check programme and IATA?s Checkpoint of the Future. Under these concepts, low-risk passengers would enjoy expedited processing, while those deemed high-risk would face a more stringent security process.
Changi Airport Group?s Tan said: ?These concepts have thrown up some interesting ideas for the industry to deliberate. The idea of differentiating passengers and implementing appropriate screening measures is very bold in its objective. I don?t believe that the industry is ready to move into the area of passenger differentiation currently as there are obvious challenges, ranging from the availability of passenger information to conduct proper risk assessments, and issues pertaining to discrimination.?
Before any real advancements can be made, Tan explained that three key areas need to be addressed: security threats and policies must be rationalised; active testing and deployment of technology to improve security and facilitation must take place; and self-service initiatives, including the use of biometrics, must be more widely embraced.
While all of these issues are being considered and solutions are being developed, Bukallah stated that in the meantime, initiatives such as the Transportation Security Administration?s (TSA) Risk Based Security initiative and PreCheck programme can make ?incremental improvements to today?s screening process?.
Bukallah: ?Liquid explosives is one of the range of threats that the screening process needs to counter.?
It is not just passenger screening that needs to be addressed to create an enhanced airport security product for the airport of 2020. ?Liquid explosives is one of the range of threats that the screening process needs to counter,? Bukallah stated.
However, following the European Commission?s announcement in July of the decision to again postpone the proposed lifting of restrictions on LAGs ? which had been scheduled for April 2013 ? the current screening process looks set?to remain in place for the time being. ?There is a risk that the lifting of the restrictions on LAGs, if not properly coordinated amongst airports and communicated well in advance to passengers and all parties involved, would create confusion and chaos at checkpoints, and passenger complaints,? Bukallah stated.
The COBRA checkpoint CT system offers 3-D imaging, higher throughput, lower false alarm rates and superior automatic detection.
Analogic Corporation provides leading-edge healthcare and security technology solutions to advance the practice of medicine and save lives. It provides innovative checkpoint and checked baggage solutions to airports worldwide and its CT technology meets the highest TSA (Transportation Security Administration) and ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference) standards for automatic threat detection. Over the past 15 years, Analogic has deployed more than 1,100 CT-based explosives detection systems to more than 30 countries. The company?s first explosive detection system (EDS) was installed in Rome, Italy in 1998 and Analogic markets and distributes the premium checkpoint CT systems, the COBRA and COBRA DualUse, directly to airport and government customers.
The COBRA checkpoint CT system offers 3-D imaging, higher throughput, lower false alarm rates and superior automatic detection compared to current checkpoint X-ray systems. In 2012, the COBRA received ECAC Type D/ D+ approval (liquids and laptops can stay in carry-on baggage). The COBRA?s superior performance enables airports to use fewer checkpoint lanes, reduce staffing and acquisition costs, and improve the passenger experience.
The Cobra DualUse EDS is designed for small and medium size airports that wish to leverage a single system to screen both carry-on and checked luggage. The DualUse functionality enables operators to toggle between carry-on and checked baggage modes in seconds. This unique operational benefit reduces staffing, maintenance, installation and equipment acquisition costs. The DualUse system is TSA-certified for checked baggage screening.
In order to get to a point where the screening process can be significantly enhanced, as highlighted by both Bukallah and Tan, it is vitally important that the industry ? including airlines, airports and suppliers ? works closely together to establish the best way forward.
?The need for collaboration cannot be overstated,? Tan explained. ?Cost, funding and operational considerations have sometimes hampered the adoption of new security procedures and technology, which can improve facilitation and security. Stakeholders must come together to rationalise such developments for the future.? Although there is still much work to be done to develop and implement an airport security process that fits the criteria of providing an enhanced passenger experience while also retaining the highest levels of security, with all key players working towards the same goal, there is no reason to suggest that it will not be a part of the airport after 2020.
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Some of the very same Republicans who have spent the last two weeks bashing Mitt Romney were, indeed, sucking up to him at a massive rally the Friday before the election ? even angling for jobs in the Romney administration ? a Romney adviser complains. At a rally with 100 Romney surrogates in West Chester, Ohio, Romney aide Dan Senor revealed on?MSNBC Wednesday, the Romney bashers were Romney fawners. "I?m backstage with some of them, I won?t mention their names, but they?re talking about Romney like he?s Reagan," Senor said. ...
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JERUSALEM (AP) ? Israeli authorities arrested an Arab Israeli on Thursday on accusations he planted a bomb on a bus in Tel Aviv that wounded 27 people and threatened to sabotage efforts to broker a cease-fire to end the fighting in Gaza, police said.
Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the man, from the village of Taybeh in Israel, was connected to the Hamas and Islamic Jihad militant groups.
A Palestinian militant cell based in the West Bank village of Beit Lakiya sent the man to put a bomb connected to a mobile phone on the Tel Aviv bus Wednesday, Rosenfeld said.
After he planted the bomb, the man, who police declined to identify, left the bus and called his handlers, who remotely detonated the explosive by calling the phone, he said.
"He admitted to carrying out the terrorist attack," Rosenfeld said.
Attacks by Israeli Arabs are rare, though they have happened in the past.
The attack brought back harsh memories of frequent bus bombings during last decade's violent Palestinian uprising.
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