- AgingCare.com
- October 9, 2012
- 4:00 pm
get healthy living updates
Women tend to take care of everyone else in their lives, at the expense of?their own health. Oftentimes we don?t maintain doctor visits for ourselves; we forget to exercise and to?eat nutritiously. We allow ourselves to become drained.
?Routine tests are our best defense for early diagnosis of disease and in turn, higher successful treatment rates if something is detected. Women need to make their health a priority. Testing is an important piece of the health care puzzle ? especially since diagnostic test results influence as much as 70 percent of healthcare decision-making,? Dr. Agim Beshiri, M.D., Medical Director at?Abbott. (abbott.com)
But how do you know what tests you really need, and which you can skip? Dr. Angela DeRosa, president and chief managing officer of DeRosa Medical, P.C. (derosamedical.com) says, ?Preventative health screenings are crucial but often confusing for my female patients.?
Every woman is different. So discuss with your doctor what tests, in addition to the standard ones, are appropriate tests are for you to undergo, based on family history, lifestyle and other factors. However, both doctors recommend that every woman have the following tests.
Caring For Someone Else When You Have Breast Cancer
5 Steps to a Better Night?s Sleep
Get More Energy By Eating Smart
Medical Tests Every Caregiver Should Have originally?appeared on AgingCare.com.
Read more: Aging, Cancer, General Health, Gynecology, Health, Healthy Aging, Heart & Vascular Disease, Osteoporosis, Sexual Health, Women's Health, cancer prevention, health and wellness, healthy aging, heart disease, medical tests, osteoporosis, women's health
By Marlo Sollitto, AgingCare.com contributing editor
AgingCare.com provides online caregiver support by connecting people caring for elderly parents to other caregivers, elder care experts, personalized information, and local resources. AgingCare.com has become the trusted resource for exchanging ideas, sharing conversations and finding credible information for those seeking elder care solutions.
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Source: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/5-medical-tests-every-boomer-woman-should-have.html
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